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Orchard Academy Learner Policy


1. Introduction

Welcome to Orchard Academy. This Learner Policy outlines the expectations, responsibilities, and rights of students while they are enrolled in our institution. Our goal is to create a supportive and respectful learning environment that promotes academic success and personal growth.


2. Attendance and Punctuality

  • Regular Attendance: Students are expected to attend all classes and activities regularly. Consistent attendance is crucial for academic success.

  • Punctuality: Students should arrive on time for classes. Late arrivals disrupt the learning environment and are recorded.


3. Behaviour and Conduct

  • Respectful Behaviour: Students must treat all members of the school community with respect. Bullying, harassment, or discrimination will not be tolerated.

  • Classroom Conduct: Students should participate actively in class and follow the instructions of their teachers. Disruptive behaviour is not acceptable.


4. Academic Integrity

  • Honesty: Students are expected to complete their work honestly and independently. Plagiarism and cheating are serious offenses and will be dealt with according to the academy’s disciplinary procedures.

  • Responsibility: Students should submit their work on time and seek help if they are struggling with their assignments.


5. Dress Code

  • Appropriate Attire: Students should adhere to the academy’s dress code policy, which is designed to promote a focused learning environment.


6. Health and Safety

  • Well-being: Students should report any health issues or concerns to the appropriate staff. 

  • Safety Rules: Students must follow all safety guidelines and protocols as outlined by the academy.


7. Technology and Resources

  • Appropriate Use: Students are expected to use technology and academy resources responsibly. Unauthorised use or abuse of equipment and materials will result in disciplinary action.

  • Digital Etiquette: Online behaviour should be respectful and adhere to the academy’s standards of conduct.


8. Support Services

  • Academic Support: The academy offers various support services, including tutoring. Students are encouraged to utilise these resources to aid their learning and development.

  • Feedback and Grievances: Students have the right to provide feedback and express concerns about their learning experience. There is a formal procedure in place for addressing grievances. Please email


9. Parental/Guardian Involvement

  • Communication: The academy encourages regular communication between students, parents, and guardians. Keeping open lines of communication helps in addressing issues promptly.

  • Support: Parents and guardians are encouraged to support their child’s education by monitoring progress and maintaining involvement in their academic journey.


10. Policy Review

This policy is reviewed annually to ensure it remains relevant and effective. Changes and updates will be communicated to all students and staff.


Contact Information For any questions or further information about this policy, please contact the academy’s administration office at

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